About Us | Vendors | Volunteers | Pride Guide | Accommodations | Entertainment |
San Bernardino &
Foothill Areas
LGBT Resources & Interests |
Pride Alliance Arrowhead Pride Alliance Box 28928, Greenspot Road Highland, CA 92399 www.inlandpride.com |
Bienestar Human Services 909.889.5333 191 S. E St. Suite D San Bernardino, CA 92401 http://www.bienestar.org/ |
CSU San Bernardino LGBT Center 909.880.5963 out@csusb.edu Santos Manuel Student Union, Rm. 131 San Bernardino, CA 92407 |
Southern California Women for Understanding Inland Empire Chapter 800.798.7298 or 951.422.3303 scwuchairie@aol.com http://www.scwu.org/inland.htm |
Jeffery Owens Community Center info@jocc.org PO Box 146 Riverside, CA 92502 http://www.jocc.org |
FFLAG Redlands– Family & Friends of Lesbians and Gays 909.335.2005 iefflag@iefflag.org Meetings every 1st Wednesday @ 7:30pm Hosted by First United Methodist Church of Redlands 1 East Olive Ave. Redlands, CA 92373 http://www.iefflag.org/ |
Inland AIDS Project 1.800.499.2437 3756 Elizabeth St. Riverside, CA 92506 http://www.inlandaidsproject.org/ |
Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance Meetings on Thursdays, Fridays @ 7pm 909.475.9392 moreinfo@rpya.org 955 South "E" Street San Bernardino, CA 92404 http://www.rpya.org/ |
UC Riverside LGBT Resource Center 951.827.2267 out@ucr.edu 250 Costo Hall Riverside, CA 92521 http://out.ucr.edu/ |
Communities |
Diocese of San Bernardino Ministry to Families with Gay and Lesbian Catholics Fr. David Fitzgerald, commission chairperson, 909.882.2931 ext. 12 St. Aelred’s Chapel Rev. Paul Breton (909) 556-7511 StAelredsChapel@yahoo.com |
Safe Haven Community Church Micah Royal, Pastor Services 11 AM Sundays Rich Dauer Park Colton, Ca http://safehavencommunitychurch.com |
Heartland Metropolitan Community Church @St. John’s Episcopal Church 1400 North Arrowhead Ave San Bernardino, CA |
First Congregational Church of Riverside Rev. Jane Quandt 951.684.2494 3504 Mission Inn Riverside, CA 92502 http://www.fccriverside.org/ |
Grace Episcopal Church The Reverend Jo Ann Weeks 951.924.6760 weeksj@msn.com Deacon: The Reverend Larry Steele 11349 Perris Blvd. Moreno Valley, CA 92557 |
Redlands United Church of Christ Rev. Dr. Sharon R. Graff 909.793.3520 168 Bellevue Avenue Redlands, CA 92373 http://www.uccredlands.org |
San Bernardino United Church of Christ Rev. Petra Malleis 909.886.4911 3041 N. Sierra Way San Bernardino, CA 92405 http://www.sbucc.org |
St. George's Episcopal Church The Rev. Canon Victoria T. Hatch 951.686.9936 st.george@sbcglobal.net 950 Spruce Street Riverside, CA 92507 |
Temple Beth El 951.684.4511 2675 Central Ave. Riverside, CA 92506 http://www.uahc.org/congs/ca/ca023/ |
Unitarian Universalist Church of Riverside 951.686.6515 3657 Lemon St. Riverside, CA 92501 http://www.uuchurchofriverside.org |
Unity Fellowship of Christ Church Inland Valley 951.779.9803 3386 Durahart St. Riverside, CA 92507 http://www.ufcriverside.org/ |
Political Resources
Foothill Regional Democratic Alliance
PO Box28928 |
National Stonewall Democrats Pride at Work |
Equality California |
Meeting Places |
Back to the Grind [coffeehouse] 951.784.0800 3575 University Ave. Riverside, CA 92501 |
The Lark [club] 909.884.8770 917 Inland Center Dr. San Bernardino, CA 92410 www.the-lark.com |
[club] 951.788.8000 3581 University Ave Riverside, CA 92501 http://www.clubmenagerie.com/ |
Oasis Nightclub [club] 909.920.9590 1386 East Foothill Blvd. Upland, CA 91786 www.oasis-nightclub.com/ |
VIP [club] 951.784.2370 3673 Merrill Ave. Riverside, CA 92506 |
Out For Coffee [coffeehouse] Hellman & Foothill Blvd Rancho Cucamonga, Ca www.outforcoffee.net |
Alibi East
[club] 225 S. San Antonio Ave Pomona, Ca (909) 623-9422 |
Robbie's [club] 390 E. 2nd St Pomona, Ca (909) 620-4371 |
RSVP Entertainment Mobile DJ's Etc | |
Club Don't You Know [club] 133 N. Harvard Street Hemet, Ca (909) 658-5939 |
The Hook-Up [club] 1047 E. Second Street Pomona, Ca 91766 (909) 620-2844 |
State |
Golden State Peace Officer's Association
www.gspoa.com |
CAPE www.calcape.org | CAPI www.capride.org | |
a t i o n a l
R e s o u r c e s |
GLAAD(Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) www.glaad.org | Gay Veterans www.gayveterans.com | National Gay & Lesbian Task Force www.ngltf.org | |
The Advocate www.advocate.com | Queer Resource Directory www.qrd.com | The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project www.youth.org/loco/PERSONProject/ | |
The International Association of Lesbian/Gay Pride Coordinators,
Inc. www.interpride.org/ |
PFLAG (National) www.pflag.org | ||
On-the-web | |||
MetroG www.Metrog.com | Frontiers www.frontiersweb.com | Cybersocket www.Cybersocket.com[adult] | |
IN Los Angeles www.inlamag.com | GaySCAPE www.gayscape.com | PlanetOut www.planetout.com | |
Gay news USA www.gaynewsusa.com | Gaywired www.Gaywired.com | ||
Issues |
Gay Health.com http://www.gayhealth.com | Gay & Lesbian Medical Association http://www.glma.org | Gay Men's Health Project http://www.gmhp.demon.co.uk | |
Gay & Lesbian Health Links http://www-hsl.mcmaster.ca/tomflem/gay.html | HIV & Hepatitis.com http://hivandhepatitis.com | Mautner Project for Lesbians with Cancer http://www.mautnerproject.org | |
Hepatitis B vaccine info for gay men http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4115.htm | Health Concerns Among Gay Men http://www.thebody.com/sowadsky/gaymen.html | Gay Men's Health Summit http://www.temenos.net/summit | |
Becoming Nicotine Free (for Gays) http://www.becomingnicotinefree.org | Health Care Info Resources: HIV/AIDS Links http://www-hsl.mcmaster.ca/tomflem/aids.html | Health Care Info Resources: STD Links http://www-hsl.mcmaster.ca/tomflem/std.html | |
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