The Under signed Vendor(s) acknowledges receipt of the Arrowhead Pride
Alliance Pride Rally rules and regulations from the Management of
Winter Pride. We/I will follow all rules, and understand
non-compliance will result in removal from the Pride Rally and
surrounding area. The undersigned vendors(s) further certify that they
are responsible for any and all activity associated with their
presence, and are authorized to execute on behalf of the group or
entity they represent.
As the Vendor(s), I /
We agree to pay for any and all fees, dues, and permits, or to make
arrangement to make payment. Furthermore I / We are the authorized
agent to accept legal process on behalf of the entity or group.
The undersigned also agrees
to indemnify the Management and Operators of the Arrowhead Pride
Alliance and it's Executive Board, Inland Pride, the
County of San Bernardino, the City of San Bernardino, its elected,
appointed and staff, and/ or any associates from any and all damages,
liabilities, costs and expenditures, including but not limited to
attorney fees, collections, and costs of defense which may occur by
reasonable of the area known as the Inland Pride
grounds. I / We, as Vendors acknowledge that the above mentioned are
not responsible for safety, theft or robbery.
I / We as the vendors
will cease operation immediately at the request of the Manager, or any
and all local law enforcement authorities in case of natural disaster,
civil unrest, or tumult. There are no discounts for damages |